
There are more 2023 #100DaysOfIndieWeb projects, you should check them out:
* https://tmichellemoore.com/blog/tag/100daysofindieweb/ (@[email protected])
* https://crowdersoup.com/tags/100days (@[email protected])
Got one? Reply and I’ll add it.

You can (re)start a #100Days project any day. While continuity is nice, you can take breaks. As https://kevinmarks.com/ (@kevinmarks) said in #IndieWeb chat:
*  https://indieweb.org/life_happens and should take priority over artificial deadlines.

It all started back in 2017 when https://aaronparecki.com/ did the first #100DaysOfIndieWeb project:
* https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofindieweb
* @100daysindieweb

Want to start one of your own? See past & present IndieWeb related 100 days projects for ideas & inspiration:
* https://indieweb.org/100_days

This is day 7 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb.

← Day 6: https://tantek.com/2023/006/t1/forward-in-time-links
→ Day 8: https://tantek.com/2023/008/t7/bridgy-indieweb-posse-backfeed

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